Calling all Homeland fans!
This season of Homeland has given us a LOT to think about – hopefully you’ve seen the reviews we’ve been posting each week on the latest episode. We haven’t heard enough about what you think of the series though, so we want to give you the opportunity to be a guest reviewer on our blog. And as if having your review featured on Killer Reads wasn’t enough, we also have three DVD box sets of Homeland series 1 & 2, plus three copies of the prequel novel Homeland: Carrie’s Run to give away!
For the chance to be a guest reviewer and win a Homeland box set and prequel novel then email a summary of your thoughts on the series so far – in just ONE sentence – to We’ll choose the best three to write us a full review on a future episode, which we’ll post on the Killer Reads website.
Entries close at 12pm on Friday 29th November, so get your summary sentences over to us before then for your chance to win!
Happy reviewing!
The Killer Reads team