The author of BLOOD BROTHER returns with a new psychological thriller featuring Carson Ryder, the detective with a unique perspective on serial killers – his brother’s one.
TV evangelist Reverend Scaler made his fortune from firebrand rhetoric on the sins of modern America. But Scaler has preached his last sermon after being bound and beaten to death in an apparent S&M session. Detective Carson Ryder has his own problems. He’s edgy and unpredictable, the crime scene barely seeming to affect him any more than finding an infant abandoned in a boat – nearby, a burnt-out shack, a body and signs of a struggle. Scaler’s tangled personal life reveals bizarre connections between the cases. And it seems the baby fighting for its life in hospital has powerful enemies. Ryder can’t seem to save himself – but can he save the life of an innocent child?
Read an extract from In the Blood
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