Christmas With A Stranger (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern): First edition

By Catherine Spencer


Her Christmas fantasy! As an unexpected guest at Morgan Kincaid’s palatial home, Jessica planned to turn his Christmas into the best ever. She’d always dreamed of how special this time of year could be, and here at the Kincaid mansion she could indulge herself to the full – with a proper tree, decorations and festive food … and Morgan, the most attractive man she’d ever known.

A firecracker in the hearth, there was mulled wine and it was Christmas Eve, a time for magic and fantasies. Morgan was all hers for tonight – and Jessica was determined that by Christmas Day they would no longer be strangers… .

When passion knows no reason… . FORBIDDEN!

Format: ebook
Release Date: 06 Oct 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4089-8710-0
Detailed Edition: First edition
In the past, Catherine Spencer has been an English teacher which was the springboard for her writing career. Heathcliff, Rochester, Romeo and Rhett were all responsible for her love of brooding heroes! Catherine has had the lucky honour of being a Romance Writers of America RITA finalist and has been a guest speaker at both international and local conferences and was the only Canadian chosen to appear on the television special, Harlequin goes Prime Time.
