Family Feud (Mills & Boon Vintage Desire): First edition

By Barbara Boswell

Mr. September Name:

Garrett McGrath Game: F-U-N! Flame: Headstrong Shelby Halford Aim: To get Shelby from the boardroom to the bedroom! I’ve got three beliefs:

1. You want what you can’t have;

2. Business and pleasure should always mix;

3. No challenge is too great.

And showing Miss Haughty Halford how much fun work can be is the perfect way to put my policies into action. I know she thinks her blue blood can’t mix with my blue-collar background.

But give me a few weeks alone with “Her Royal Highness” in this steamy tropical paradise, and I’ll teach Shelby all about mergers and acquisitions… of the most intimate kind!

Format: ebook
Release Date: 24 Oct 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4089-8982-1
Detailed Edition: First edition
Barbara Boswell loves writing about families. \"I guess family has been a big influence on my writing,\" she says. \"I particularly enjoy writing about how my characters\' family relationships affect them.\" When Barbara isn\'t writing and reading, she\'s spending time with her own family – her husband and three grown daughters, plus two adorable grandsons. There are also three cats whose used to rule the house, but are now outranked by her visiting grandsons. She still lives in western Pennsylvania and has written over fifty-five romances.
