The Birth Place - Leaving Enchantment (The Birth Place, Book 4) (Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance): First edition

By C.J. Carmichael

Nolan McKinnon is shocked when he’s named his niece’s guardian. He knows nothing about taking care of a little girl–especially an orphan–but he still would have bet he knew more than Kim Sherman.

Kim’s a newcomer to Enchantment–one who seems a little too determined not to get involved with anyone. But Nolan can’t refuse help, even if it comes from a woman with secrets in her past….

Format: ebook
Release Date: 27 Jan 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4720-2498-5
Detailed Edition: First edition
CJ Carmichael gave up the glamour of income tax forms and double-entry bookkeeping when she sold her first book in 1998. She has now written over 30 novels for Harlequin, been twice nominated for RWA’s RITA award, as well as Romantic Time’s Career Achievement award. CJ lives in Calgary, Alberta, with her partner, Mike, and the family cat, Penny.
