A Lady Julia Grey Mystery - Silent In The Sanctuary (A Lady Julia Grey Mystery, Book 2): First edition

By Deanna Raybourn

England, 1887

“There is a dead man stinking in the game larder. I hardly think a few missing pearls will be the ruin of this house party.” Lady Julia Grey’s eccentric family and friends have gathered to keep Christmas in Bellmont Abbey.

But when Lady Julia notices the enigmatic detective Nicholas Brisbane in the party, she is less than delighted – trouble is sure to follow. Her prediction is proved correct when festivities are brought to an abrupt halt by a murder in the chapel.

Blood dripping from her hands, Lady Julia’s cousin claims the ancient right of sanctuary. Forced to resume her deliciously intriguing partnership with Brisbane, Lady Julia is intent on proving her cousin’s innocence. Still, the truth is rarely pure and never simple…

Format: ebook
Release Date: 01 Mar 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4089-6966-3
Detailed Edition: First edition

New York Times bestselling author Deanna Raybourn graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio with a double major in English and history and an emphasis on Shakespearean studies. She taught high school English for three years in San Antonio before leaving education to pursue a career as a novelist. Deanna makes her home in Virginia, where she lives with her husband and daughter and is hard at work on her next novel.
