The Hunt For Hawke's Daughter (Mills & Boon Intrigue): First edition

By Jean Barrett

He’d discovered he had a child–three years too late

Four years ago, Karen Ramey fled from Devlin Hawke’s loving arms without reason or cause. Only she knew the agony of what that decision had cost her. Now, her daughter missing and in the hands of a madman, the only man she could turn to was the father of her secret child– Devlin Hawke….

Working with Karen to find their child was both a blessing and a curse–for Devlin had never stopped loving her and had never understood why she’d left his bed and his life so abruptly. They needed time to sort through the past–yet time was a luxury they didn’t have. For their baby’s life was in jeopardy, and a killer held all the cards….

Format: ebook
Release Date: 01 Nov 2014
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-1-4740-2230-9
Detailed Edition: First edition
Author Robert Rogers, who writes as Jean Barrett, has a record that would make every aspiring writer envious: 14 published novels in 30 different countries and 12 languages, with total books sales in excess of 1.5 million. If setting has anything to do with it, Robert has no reason not to be inspired. He and his wife live on Wisconsin’s scenic Door Peninsula in an antique- filled country cottage overlooking Lake Michigan. A teacher for many years, he left the classroom to write full-time. He is the author of a number of romance novels.
